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The abundant career and life system
Module 1 - identifying your skills and building your masterplan
Introductory video and welcome from Ed Andrew with tips to navigate the course. (7:37)
Setting the groundwork and giving yourself time (12:43)
Defining your why and what you want to achieve (15:06)
Identify your core skills (13:35)
Skills you love and why you dont use them (27:13)
Design your career masterplan (12:18)
Module 2 - Your mission, passion and purpose, and how to achieve them
Understanding your Mission Passion & Purpose (24:10)
Being accountable and accepting responsibility (17:23)
Is it you, your job, work, industry or career - releasing the handbrake. (23:03)
Module 3 - creating freedom and clearing the obstacles
The obstacles to success and learning what freedom means (12:29)
Re-wiring your brain chemistry (15:41)
Change and story telling (13:32)
The impact of stress and why it is impossible to separate work and life (15:39)
expressing your true self and why authenticity matters (23:02)
Slowing down, meditation, exercise and reducing stress (22:26)
Module 4 - creating a supportive environment and overcoming fears
Overcoming fears (16:45)
Understanding how moods affect you and others (14:21)
Creating a supportive environment (20:47)
managing energy vampires and learning to say no. (16:01)
Module 5 Developing self awareness
Understanding self awareness and why it is so important (22:30)
Identifying and resolving red flags/alarm bells (12:45)
How managing expectation and perception creates better outcomes (29:50)
How and and why to think less and feel more (10:04)
Module 6 - Securing the job or career that you love
Designing your career masterplan and visualising your dream job (12:58)
Being present and why leaders talk less and listen more, (11:03)
Building your networking and securing the job you love. (18:04)
A closing video with Ed, Congratulations, tips, bonus offers and discounts. (4:25)
Understanding your Mission Passion & Purpose
Module 2 Lecture 1 ACL slides.pdf
The Abundant Career and Life System - Worksheet Mod 2.pdf
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